Cady Heron says that in Girl World, Halloween is the one time of year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it. Well here at The Rib, we believe Halloween is the one night a year when the funny girls can come out to play and no one can tell us our jokes — read: our costumes — are terrible puns, unoriginal, and/or just plain bad.
So here’s us showing off our ~clever~ Halloweekend attire. As MIA once said, “Live fast, die young, funny girls do Halloween well.” That is what she said, right?
I was Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction because I admire her expensive taste in milkshakes and her brave ability to snort whatever white powder she happens to come across. The costume consisted of fake eyelashes, a black wig, a button-up shirt, and a syringe coming out of my chest at a 90 degree angle. –Dana Schwartz
IDK what you’re talking about… This is not a Halloween costume. I am the red dancing lady emoji all the time, every day. –Hannah Pasternak
This Halloween, three friends and I decided to be Oompa-Loompas from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. After brainstorming for several weeks, we collectively decided that traveling in a pack with green hair, criss-crossed suspenders, and baggy pants would definitely award us the sexiest costume award. We really wanted to win this award as the most eligible bachelors are on their best behavior during Halloween and, as a group of seniors, we are obviously husband hunting. –Lani Wenger
This Halloween was probably my most creative to date. One night, my friend and I dressed up as Renée Zellweger before and after her plastic surgery. It was surprisingly easy to make, culturally relevant, and was unintentionally pretty scary. Luv ya, Bridget Jones. –Sydney Mondry
My friend and I were Zenon and Nebula from Zenon Girl of the 21st Century… Because who doesn’t like a good old Disney Channel original movie?? And also because I’m a halloweenie. –Sarah Master

I didn’t want to be the typical school girl everyone sees on Halloween. I wanted to be something witty. My friend Maddie suggested we throw on some bucket hats with our schoolgirl outfits, thus transforming us from ordinary schoolgirl to bucket hat loving Schoolboy Q. –Allie Greenberg
I was Rosie the Riveter – which is not super original, but I think it’s a classic. Honestly, in order to survive the varsity weight room at 7:45am on Halloween morning, I need an outfit that is a.) comfortable and b.) empowering. I may not have been bench pressing triple my body weight but at least I was feeling very patriotic. My weird expression can be chalked up to the fact that I took the picture post-lift and I was unsure if I could actually do anything besides nap for the rest of the day. –Annie Warner
What’d you dress as for Halloween? If you were a cat, then you probably have the body to pull it off, so brava. If you were not a cat, then tell us what you were in the comments. We’re already thinking about next year.