Ah, going home for Thanksgiving – the holy week of laundry machines that don’t need quarters, a fridge full of food you haven’t bought with your own money, and being forced to make small talk with people who may or may not be racist. Here is a full and accurate description of the experience, told through gifs from sit-com classic “How I Met Your Mother.”
Letting your college friends know where you’ll be spending the week:
Coming home, you cool college kid you:
When your weird uncle calls Obama a communist at the table:
When your grandma asks why you haven’t accepted her friend request:
Talking to your cousin, the Rhodes Scholar, who already has a job lined up and a super-hot significant other:
Fighting your sister for the last slice of pumpkin pie:
When your mom makes sure you put on enough layers to go up the block to CVS:
Seeing your high school friends:
But when high school friends are off traveling, or off at their jobs somewhere and aren’t home to hang out with you:
When you see your old high school crush and he asks if you want to “catch up” and “grab some coffee”:
Hanging out at the kids’ table:
After being home a little too long:
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