“Annie’s Friend’s friends,” Ep. 7 Posted on March 9, 2022April 2, 2022 by Lucinda Drake They say that an elephant never forgets. A white one's the name of an expensive gift. But what do I do with the one in...
How to Manipulate a Male Manipulator Posted on February 27, 2022February 27, 2022 by Kaitlyn Lucas The ultimate form of feminism is becoming a manipulator of male manipulators.
“So You Like Comedy”: A Tinder Social Experiment Posted on February 10, 2022February 10, 2022 by Kaitlin Goldin I matched with men (gasp!) and asked them a simple favor: to tell me a joke.
“Annie’s Friend’s friends”, Ep. 6 (pt 2) Posted on December 18, 2021April 2, 2022 by Lucinda Drake Annie's friend's friends is a weekly(ish) autobiographical comic showing the messiness of sex, love, and dating as a 20 year old.
“Annie’s Friend’s friends”, Ep. 6 (pt 1) Posted on December 9, 2021April 2, 2022 by Lucinda Drake Annie's friend's friends is a weekly(ish) autobiographical comic showing the messiness of sex, love, and dating as a 20 year old.
5 Newer New Ways to Surprise Your Partner in Bed Posted on May 10, 2018May 8, 2018 by Gabriela Ramos Tavarez If there’s one thing lady magazines have taught us, it’s that sex can never be too adventurous. Every month, they crack the codes to make...
Quiz: Are You the Klutz in a Romantic Comedy? Posted on April 30, 2018April 29, 2018 by Gabriela Ramos Tavarez Whether you love to hate them or hate to love them, romantics are a pillar of pop culture. They are also a compilation of romantic...
There Should Be An App For That Posted on April 9, 2018April 8, 2018 by Gabriela Ramos Tavarez Everyday it seems like we are closer and closer to having Black Mirror be a reenactment of reality. Or worse, living like they did on...
My Day from Hell Posted on April 3, 2018April 4, 2018 by Mira Ortegon Alternatively, a day in my life if every little thing that made me unreasonably uncomfortable happened to me on the same day because they actually...
When The Checkout Line Is Suddenly Intimate… Posted on December 3, 2017 by Caroline Zerilli Image via Caroline Zerilli