Meet the Rib

Rachel Kamphaus

Rachel is exactly like your dad, if he were not a Republican. She has strong opinions on the best Bob Dylan album, loves craft beers, and definitely spends too much time thinking about the Roman Empire.

Sophia Plaschke

Sophia enjoys lurking in the shadows, haunting nightmares, and whispering into the night. When she’s not busy preying on the innocent, she likes playing board games with her friends, taking scenic drives in the countryside, and curling up with a good book.

Indigo Mudbhary
Staff Writer

When people find out that Indigo is an only child, they always say, “That makes sense!” She’s like pizza at the Ratty— not terrible, but definitely not great! And she’s okay with that!

Morgan Anderson
Staff Writer

Morgan has spent her life contributing to the financial success of the Dr Pepper Snapple Group and narrowly avoiding kidney stones in the process. She spends her free time engaging in the Sisyphean process of cleaning her camera roll, documenting life experiences to share with her therapist, and creating playlists she will never listen to. Her current goal in life is to learn how to roll her Rs.

Anya Kaladeen
Staff Writer

Anya’s favourite pastimes include spontaneously breaking into foreign accents, making you guess her concentration, and acting like a pretentious, sexually repressed teenage boy (she would fight to the death for the Oxford comma). She has also been compared to a donkey on several (completely unrelated) occasions throughout her life. Make of that what you will.

Celisse Sanchez
Staff Illustrator

Celisse’s favorite things are eating ice cream after the gym, talking (her mom says she loves to hear the sound of her voice), and keeping people guessing whether she’s being sarcastic or serious. Sadly, her free time is spent on homework and asking her best friends why no one is in love with her.

Yaffa Segal
Staff Writer

Yaffa loves the NYT crossword and disco naps. Her post-grad plans primarily consist of being a contestant on Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman.

Lily Coffman
Staff Writer

Lily’s favorite show is Riverdale, she can tie a cherry stem with her tongue, and she falls asleep watching Cosmopolitan videos on the Snapchat explore section. Also, she’s from Waco, Texas and she won’t shut up about it.

Emily Farmer
Staff Writer

Emily is so cool and sexy. Hahaha stop, you are too sweet. She has eaten a beaver before (Don’t ask her about it, it was low key traumatic). She enjoys long hours of hiding underneath the ratty pasta station, feasting on stray noodles.

Gianna Rocchio
Staff Writer

Gianna has a peanut allergy and has been religiously wearing her retainers ever since she had a nightmare about her teeth looking like SpongeBob’s. She has yet to be diagnosed with anxiety. Her venmo is @giannarocchio and she thinks generous people rock!

Carys Edwards
Staff Writer

Carys writes diss tracks and boldly performs them directly to the recipient’s face. She identifies as a finger—a fake ginger—and proudly calls herself vegan, meaning she’ll eat absolutely anything… except steak, that’s just a little too rare.

Kaitlyn Lucas
Social Media Editor

Kaitlyn enjoys being “professor” level on mobile Solitaire and not knowing U.S. (or any) geography. She also enjoys antagonizing her friends with the bald filter on Snapchat and shamelessly listening to ASMR every night.

Jules Griswold

Jules expresses themselves through their sleep schedule because someone somewhere said every unhinged artist should sleep 22 hours a day. What about work-life balance? They’re sorry, they can’t hear you… zzzz…. zz.. zzzz.

Lulu Cavicchi

Lulu once saw a video of a duck wearing a flower on its head. She still thinks about it sometimes.

Lucinda Drake
Staff Writer & Illustration Editor

Lucinda is a lot of things. None of them are listed here but you’ll just have to trust her. There are also a lot of things Lucinda is not. Some of those include iron deficient, sweaty…oh wait no she’s those things too.

Cassie Travis
Staff Writer

Cassie is confidently unacquainted with soup, plagued by the horrors of white guys on YouTube, and don’t even get them started on their 23andMe test. Yes, they are the ‘girl’ in the ‘Harry Styles video’. Yes, it’s hard being so special.

Julia Marrinan
Staff Writer

Julia is not addicted to coffee, no matter what they tell you. Yes, she did drink 24 oz of straight cold brew one morning. Yes, that’s normal. No really, it is.

Olivia Taylor
Staff Writer

When Olivia isn’t pretending she can sing/act/eat garlic without feeling her tongue erupt into flames, you can find her struggling through chapters of vocabulary for CHIN0913 even though she knows she’ll never be fluent. 

Emerson Rhodes
Staff Writer

Emerson watches car crash compilations to fall asleep ever since she was told that by someone she thought was cool and has been using it as a fun fact ever since. A populist at heart, Emerson can be found conforming and listening for more fun facts to steal.

Daniella Coyle
Staff Writer

Daniella likes reading (books and reddit posts), depop, and drinking apple cider. She is a prolific sidechat contributor. Daniella has had a liter of apple cider in the past hour. Daniella’s pancreas is currently pumping very much insulin due to all the apple cider she has been drinking. Daniella speaks intermediate French.

Trinity Breeze
Staff Illustrator

Trinity enjoys weird 80s movies, sad music, and knows a concerning amount about birds. She can identify hundreds of species and should probably make an appointment for an assessment with a psychiatrist. Please ask her about birds.

Talia Udelman
Staff Writer

Talia isn’t like other girls, she’s been convicted for embezzlement (not really…unless). When not in prison, she can be found watching musicals and reading. She can be your manic pixie dream girl, but only if you know a lawyer.