As Brown’s Department of Economics, we want to let you know our discipline is far broader in scope than many realize. You can take classes about race, mass media, global warming, internet marketplaces, game theory, finance, big data… the list goes on. That being said, we have long struggled to determine how we can play a role in Brown’s Halloweekend festivities.
The boys at Chicago seem to have got it all figured out, and here we are at this school for socialist commies… our relevancy is quickly slipping, and we must get back on the curve. Econ is chock full of curves! Yet no one thinks we’re sexy? So here are our recommendations for the sexiest economics-themed costumes, although we all know that’s redundant.
- Sexy Cash Cow
This one will be a winner. Nothing says sex appeal like fast money (Disclaimer: as a department, we do not condone selling body parts for cash. If you want to make quick money, get some bonds).

The Look: Sexy cow + Raw Cold Cash
- Sexy Scrooge McDuck
Nothing says sexy success like the Scottish-American anthropomorphic supercentenarian Pekin duck.

The Look: Scrooge McDuck Costume + A Pair of Scissors
- Sexy Robin Hood… the app, though
When done correctly, this costume is sure to get all those Goldman secretaries going. Correctly is the key word in this phrase. The Department Does Not Condone Dressing As The Disney Character. He is a thief and a very bad man who does not believe in the system.

The Look: Tank Top + The Logo + A Deep Understanding of the Way of the Dow
- Sexy Trickle Down
The wealth won’t be the only trickling down if you do this one right… Oops? Did we say that?

The Look: Money Suit + Some Trickle Jewelry
- Sexy Laissez Faire
Free market? More like wow! That’s such a cool costume, how did you come up with that? It’s so sexy!! Wealth of Nations? More like [TELL DEPT. ASSISTANT TO ADD SOMETHING FUNNY]

The Look: Lazy Fairy… Get it? Call us the English department and then concentrate with us because reading books won’t get you a job!
- Milton Friedman
No explanation needed. Epitome of Sex appeal.

The Look: Baggy Suit + Big Wise Old Man Style Glasses
There will be KitKats at our next DUG meeting, please please come oh please show up.