An Exploration of the Many Facets of Capital Posted on November 17, 2022November 17, 2022 by Julia Cook Have you ever thought to yourself, “I love capital, but it seems so rudimentary. So simplistic. So… single-faceted?? If you have, you apparently are not...
Classics Concentrator Teaches Tinder Date About Oedipus Posted on October 23, 2022October 23, 2022 by Becca Waterson I could literally hear Freud cackling in his grave.
“Annie’s Friend’s friends”, Ep. 6 (pt 3) Posted on April 3, 2022April 3, 2022 by Lucinda Drake Whether you're hairy from head to your toes, or are smooth like a dolphin with no hair that grows you are sexy and perfect and...
“Annie’s friend’s friends”, Ep. 8 Posted on March 23, 2022March 23, 2022 by Lucinda Drake Sexuality is a spectrum. I had short hair, pierced my septum, and still took so long to realize I wanted to be between boys' AND...
“Annie’s Friend’s friends,” Ep. 7 Posted on March 9, 2022April 2, 2022 by Lucinda Drake They say that an elephant never forgets. A white one's the name of an expensive gift. But what do I do with the one in...
“Annie’s Friend’s friends”, Ep. 6 (pt 2) Posted on December 18, 2021April 2, 2022 by Lucinda Drake Annie's friend's friends is a weekly(ish) autobiographical comic showing the messiness of sex, love, and dating as a 20 year old.
“Annie’s Friend’s friends”, Ep. 6 (pt 1) Posted on December 9, 2021April 2, 2022 by Lucinda Drake Annie's friend's friends is a weekly(ish) autobiographical comic showing the messiness of sex, love, and dating as a 20 year old.
How I Sound Explaining My Thesis Posted on December 2, 2021December 2, 2021 by Kendall Krantz When I try to explain my creative work, I sound completely zooted. Even when I'm sober at 9am on a Tuesday.
“Annie’s friend’s friends”, Ep. 5 Posted on December 1, 2021December 1, 2021 by Lucinda Drake Annie's friend's friends is a weekly(ish) autobiographical comic showing the messiness of sex, love, and dating as a 20 year old.
“Annie’s friend’s friends,” Ep. 4 Posted on November 6, 2021November 6, 2021 by Lucinda Drake Annie's friend's friends is a weekly autobiographical comic showing the messiness of sex, love, and dating as a 20 year old.