Your Orientation Week Map: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut

Whether you’re a scared little freshman or a particularly forgetful senior, navigating Brown’s campus during the first couple weeks of the school year can be tough. Lucky for you, Brown has an app with a built-in navigation feature and provides a handy-dandy map in each orientation booklet! Unlucky for you, both of those things completely suck. I’ve never seen anyone actually use the app, and let’s face it–that map doesn’t tell you the real story of what goes on here at Brown. It’s time to set the record straight with the Rib’s exclusive campus map, complete with original commentary and some seriously snazzy Microsoft Paint skills.

Please note: The Rib is not responsible for any people who are lost, injured, or extremely irritated due to the use of these maps.

Click to enlarge.


Click to enlarge.


Images viavia, via, and Sam Saks-Fithian.

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