“Hello, how are you?”
“Good, you?”
We’ve all been through this. The small talk. The awkwardness. If only we could get past the mindless banter and into the juicy stuff, like who everyone is cheating on and what the 411 is. Maybe you want to get to know this person a little more, or maybe you and this person are waiting for the same laundry machine and want to settle the tension a little. Regardless, here are some conversation starters in order to bond with your new best friend.
“Are you a virgin?”
It’s important to know one’s sexperiences. There is literally no better way to find out than when the conversation is dying.
And a good follow-up question…
“How many people have you slept with?”
This is the perfect question to ask if you want to know whether or not the person you’re conversing with could be a potential Bachelor/Bachelorette candidate.
“Have you ever killed an animal?”
This is a great conversation starter, as you can both share stories of how you accidentally killed your bearded dragon, that fly that hovered over your food a little too long, or that snail that you stepped on outside because you thought it was a rock. Plus, you can figure out whether or not this person will be on Netflix’s next serial killer documentary.
“What is your biggest regret?”
The best way to get to know a person is by asking them what they could’ve done better in life. For instance, if the person wishes they had more kids, tell them all the horrible things about kids, like how they cry and end up hating their parents, anyways.
“Do you think that outfit makes you look good?”
It is safe to assume that you are this person’s future best friend or spouse. So, it’s crucial that you be the one to make sure this person dresses like an appropriate friend of yours.
Hopefully this guide will help you through potentially awkward situations and start blossoming relationships. Happy chatting!
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