6 Reasons Why Blueno is The New Ra

It’s time we pointed out the obvious! Here are six very solid and well-researched reasons as to why everyone’s favorite bear sculpture is the new ancient Egyptian sun god, Ra:

1. He has a thingy on his head

and what a thingy it is

Ra, the Ancient Egyptian god of the sun, wore a sun-disk wrapped in a cobra on the top of his head. He’s the creator of all life, so I guess he can do whatever he wants. Our friend Untitled (Lamp/Bear) does not wear a celestial body on his brow, but he does have a desk lamp lodged in his skull! Fun!

2. The bonds he has with his counterparts span the whole of the world and all of eternity 

Ra, ruler of the world and lord of light, is a major god. He’s real busy, so sometimes he spiritually merges with his god buddies, Horus and Osiris. This means he’s got connections in every realm. Sky? Under control. Earth? On it! Underworld? You know it.

Blueno, similarily, has versions of himself in Midtown NYC and Doha’s International Airport. His almighty power is felt all over the world! Qatar? He’s there. The Big Apple? Most definitely! Slightly northeast of the Big Apple? Yup.



Untitled (Lamp/Bear) in Doha and Midtown

3. He’s got a real culty vibe 

The cult of Ra was active in ancient Egypt from the Second Dynasty to the fall of the New Kingdom–over 3000 years! They established their god as one of the most powerful figures of the BCE era, building temples and grand monuments to their main man Ra. Urs Fischer’s creation is still establishing himself as a cult figure, but I’m sure his legacy will last for at least 5000 years. Brown students, and faculty, worship Blueno even more than the ancient Egyptians adored Ra! Case in point, Minden Hall’s renovation this summer will transform the decrepit hotel into a shiny new Blueno church.

praise him

4. He represents light 

I feel that the sun-god lamp-bear analogy needs no further explanation. O Blueno, when will you glow for us again?

I miss you…

5. Blueno’s bear form is the natural next step for Ra’s animal transformations

In mythology, Ra appears in many forms: ram, beetle, phoenix, heron, serpent, bull, cat, and falcon-man. What’s missing from this list? The bear! Blueno is obviously just another iteration of Ra’s furry adventures.

look at that sexy beetle

6. Christianity will be the death of him 

In the early 10’s, some guys called “The Romans” or whatever started getting really hype about Jesus. This rise of Christianity in the Empire, plus the Roman takeover of Egypt, put an end to the worship of Ra. #RID (rest in Duat, the Egyptian underworld).

This will also happen to Blueno. Rest in Bluat (the Blunonian underworld).

Images via via via via via via .

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